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The Gift of Joy and Wonder
Turning in Lent Toward the Glory of Creation

Wednesday Evenings: March 9 to April 3


In the language of the Bible, the word “repent” means to “turn.” This year’s Lenten study will turn toward beauty, awe and wonder, led by the Rev. Norman MacLeod.  These hours will be dedicated to remembering, seeing, learning about and celebrating God’s Earth, of which we are made.  We will explore and celebrate the glory of God as we know it in Rhode Island and beyond.  We will discuss our role as Christians to care for “this fragile earth, our island home.” 

The study will begin Wednesday, March 9 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.  Each session will close by 8 p.m.  Each week will have a theme.  As this will be a series on Zoom, participants from other faith communities have been invited to join us.  The second week, there will be no Zoom session.  Please see below.
March 9 - Earth     


March 13 - Journey of the Universe Film will be shown in Hebert's Place after the service.

March 16 – Journey of the Universe Film (Can be watched anytime online.)                                                   
(For more information:   
March 23- Water     

March 30- Air     

April 3 – Fire
This will be a recurring meeting on Zoom, so the link will remain the same.  We will publish the link weekly as well.  



Please watch the film, Journey of the Universe.  This film may be watched free with a course sign-up, at:

or on Amazon Prime Video.


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